
General Price List

These prices are effective as of March 18, 2024 and are subject to change without notice. General Price List is available upon request. 

The goods and services shown below are those we can provide to our customers. You may choose only the items you desire. However, any arrangements you select will include a charge for our basic services and overhead. If legal or other requirements mean you must buy any items you did not specifically ask for, we will explain the reason in writing on the statement we provide describing the goods and services you selected.


Basic Services of the Funeral Director and Staff   $1895.00

Our services include:

This basic charge includes a 24-hour availability of staff and equipment, securing and recording vital statistics and obtaining permits to comply with all state and federal mortuary regulations.

In addition, this fee includes a proportionate share of our basic overhead costs.

This fee for our basic services and overhead will be added to the total cost of the funeral arrangements you select. (This fee is already included in our charges for direct cremations, immediate burials, and forwarding or receiving remains.)


Embalming   $595.00

Except in certain special cases, embalming is not required by law. Embalming may be necessary, however, if you select certain funeral arrangements, such as a funeral with viewing. If you do not want embalming, you usually have the right to choose an arrangement that does not require you to pay for it, such as direct cremation or immediate burial.

Other Preparations

Dressing, Cosmetology & Casketing ( without embalming )                $325.00

Refrigeration & Sanitary Care (Up to 14 days)                                              $295.00

Donor or Autopsy Care                                                                                             $95.00

Weekend or Holiday Service

Weekend Service                                                                                                              $500.00

Holiday Service                                                                                                                 $600.00

Use of Facilities, Staff and Equipment for Services Conducted at Our Facility

Viewing/Visitation for One Evening                                                                   $695.00

Funeral Ceremony                                                                                                         $695.00

Memorial Service                                                                                                           $695.00

Reception Room                                                                                                             $595.00

Waterfall Room                                                                                                               $525.00

Use of Staff and Equipment for Services Conducted at Another Facility

Viewing/Visitation for One Evening                                                                   $695.00

Funeral Ceremony                                                                                                         $695.00

Memorial Service                                                                                                           $695.00

Graveside Service                                                                                                           $550.00

Automotive Equipment

Funeral Hearse                                                                                                                 $495.00

Limousine (Each Auto) - As quoted                                                                                                   

Transfer Remains to Funeral Home (Within 35 mile radius)                     $595.00

Additional Mileage Beyond 35 mile radius (per mile)                                   $4.00/mile

Flower Car/Utility Vehicle                                                                                           $395.00


Cremation Fee (Included in Direct Cremation Package)   $450.00


Direct Cremation                               $1795.00

Our Cremation Includes:

  1. Basic professional service fee
  2. Transfer of remains to funeral home (24/7)
  3. Refrigeration and sanitary care
  4. Cardboard alternative container
  5. Cremation and internment of cremated remains in plastic temporary urn
  6. Cremation fee
  7. Permit

Should the family wish viewing prior to cremation, charges will be assessed for staff and equipment based on family's wishes.

There is no cost to family for the cardboard alternative container or temporary plastic urn.


Direct Aquamation                             $4495.00

Our Aquamtion Includes:

  1. Basic professional service fee
  2. Transfer of remains to funeral home
  3. Refrigeration and sanitary care
  4. Aquamation approved liner
  5. Aquamation and Inunrnment of aquamated remains in hand crafted wooden urn

Should the family wish viewing prior to aquamation, charges will be assessed for staff and equipment based on family's wishes.

There is no cost to family for the aquamation approved liner or hand crafted wooden urn. 


Immediate Burial

Immediate Burial                                                                                                             $2,195.00

Our charge for an immediate burial (without ceremony) includes:

  1. Basic professional service
  2. Transfer of remains to funeral home
  3. Refrigeration and sanitary care
  4. Transfer of remains to cemetery
  5. Burial Permit

Should the family wish to witness the interment, charges will be assessed for staff and equipment based on the family's wishes.

This fee does not include any merchandise such as caskets.


Forwarding of Remains to another Funeral Home                                       $2295.00

Our charge includes:

  1. Basic professional service fee
  2. Transfer of remains to funeral home
  3. Embalming
  4. Transportation to Sacramento airport
  5. Transit Permit


Receiving of Remains from another Funeral Home                                       $1995.00

Our charge includes:

  1. Basic professional service fee
  2. Transportation from Sacramento airport
  3. Service vehicle
  4. Transportation to local cemetery (within a 35-mile radius)
  5. Permit Refile


Registers, Cards and Programs


Visitors Register Book                                                                                                        $35.00

Memorial Folders Package (100 Folders,

              Register Book, 100 Prayer Cards)                                                                  $300.00

Video Memorial Tribute (60 Pictures)                                                                      $300.00

Clergy or Celebrant                                                                                                              $350.00

Death Certificate (each)                                                                                                     $24.00

Burial/Cremation Permit                                                                                                   $12.00


Additional Refrigeration if requested (per day)                                                   $195.00

Air Tray (Shipping Body with Casket)                                                                         $350.00

Combo Unit (Shipping Body without Casket                                                        $250.00


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